Getting Ripped for the Apocalypse

  In a world gone wrong, laid to waste in violent waves of destruction, what will you do to survive? Join us in cardiovascular glory as we run, kick and punch our way to a better future. Getting Ripped for the Apocalypse teaches you workouts for each of the nightmare scenarios that are just aroundContinue reading “Getting Ripped for the Apocalypse”

Cartman Hartnett-Swayze’s Inspirational 2018 Calendar

Cartman is a particularly special dog, and he wanted the world to know. He wanted the world to know that no matter what, life is beautiful. 2018 was Year of the Dog, and Cartman’s 12th year on the fine planet, so it was the perfect opportunity to share his well-traveled wisdom. Cartman has been toContinue reading “Cartman Hartnett-Swayze’s Inspirational 2018 Calendar”

TL;DR A thesis in a zine!

Wow! A 168 page MA thesis, transformed into something more people might actually want to read! TL;DR (Internet slang for Too Long; Didn’t Read) is in classic zine folded format (including embracing typos), full-colour, featuring work from five co-researchers from the Moving Home project which explored the embodiment of transience among former youth in care inContinue reading “TL;DR A thesis in a zine!”


Audio Intro via YouTube Artist Statement: The internet is about connection. Data connection, human connection, intellectual and dating connection and a myriad of more. The anonymity of it allows us to be ourselves in ways we might not feel comfortable in person, and this can be manifested in both positive and negative ways. Back inContinue reading “LiveJournal”

Rejection Collage

  Artist Statement: This piece represents the majority of art in the Yukon, and an innovative way to continue working with and through rejection. Using my last rejection letter from the Advanced Artist Award, and mixed paper acquired at the Visitor’s Centre, this project was created onsite, and speaks for the 70% of Yukon artistsContinue reading “Rejection Collage”


Disco Meditations This 3-part sound art series set in Dawson City plays with public places, personal relationships to them and landmark identity, using the medium of guided meditations. Satirical, clever and local, each piece is recorded and written on site. At 5 pm each day there will be a public guided meditation. Friday August 14thContinue reading “Disco”

Zine Tree

I built a tree out of wood, zines, birch bark, wire, paper mache, branches and a solid typewriter base. This Zine Tree is a community installation designed to grow zine culture in the north, a distro and a creation station all at once. Free photocopying too! This piece plays on the idea of a treeContinue reading “Zine Tree”

Traveling with Nyki

Nyki Kish is in prison for a crime she claims she didn’t commit. I have worked on and off in jail outreach for years. What the incarcerated often fear most is being forgotten. Nyki was a traveler, and so am I, and one day we had a conversation about me putting her head on aContinue reading “Traveling with Nyki”

Vinyl Tarot

Listen to awesome records, and figure out your life at the same time. Vinyl Tarot. A working tarot deck made of records. The cover art, artist and specific song unite, creating the coolest deck ever. Music influences our lives in so many ways. Vinyl Tarot is upfront about that influence. I have made the Major ArcanaContinue reading “Vinyl Tarot”

CD Collage Party

So, you may or may not know of my musical career as Big Mama Lele. I have been up late, gluey fingers and tiny bits of paper everywhere, making custom CD artwork.  The album is called GDFC, because that is chord progression for all of the songs. Each of these unique collages is called something different,Continue reading “CD Collage Party”